

Does the EU need to become more sovereign and assertive on migration, security and energy?

The sixth round of the European HouseParliaments discussed, in the face of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, key questions on European security and sovereignty. The overarching question of the sixth round of European HouseParliaments was: Does the EU need to become more sovereign and assertive in migration, security and energy? The three central questions in the sixth round of the European House Parliaments covered the topics of European migration policy, European defense policy and European energy policy.

From June 11, 2022 to September 17, 2022, 569 people from 17 European countries shared their opinions and wishes on three reform proposals under the guiding question "Does the EU need to become more sovereign and assertive on migration, security and energy?" and voted on a scale from 0 ("Don't agree at all") to 10 ("Don't agree at all"). Of the 78 European HouseParliaments held, 52 took place offline and 26 online.

Number of participants:

569 people from 17 European countries
78 organized European HouseParliaments


June 11, 2022 until September 17, 2022

The dialogue partners



Should it already be examined and decided outside the EU whether people are entitled to asylum in the EU?

A majority of EHP participants are in favor of the proposal that a potential asylum claim should already be examined outside the EU. The voting values are particularly high between 6-8. Only a fraction of the participants assess the proposal very critically with a voting value between 1 and 2.

Should the EU undertake operations in other countries with its own army in order to stabilize and pacify them?

The question of an own EU army led to lively debates among the participants. The voting results show how strongly polarized the idea is and how diverse the opinions are. The result is relatively balanced, with a mean value of 4.9, the field is almost evenly divided between supporters and critics of the idea. It is noticeable that many participants voted with a value of 3 or 8 and thus approach the midfield.

Should new buildings and house renovations in the EU that do not integrate renewable energies (solar, wind, geothermal, etc.) no longer be approved?

A large proportion of participants are open to the idea of stricter regulation and tighter codes for climate-friendly building retrofits. With a mean score of 6.5, a large portion of EHP participants support the proposal. The high voting scores between 9 and 10 are particularly striking.

Does the EU need to become more sovereign and assertive on migration, security and energy?


Impressions of the sixth round of the European HouseParliaments


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Contact: ehp@pulseofeurope.eu
Press inquiries: presse@pulseofeurope.eu

Pulse of Europe e.V.
Wolfsgangstr. 63
60322 Frankfurt am Main


For more information on the 7th round of the European HouseParliaments, please see the results report, which can be downloaded here:

Download final report